Each school year, Oregon Archaeological Society offers grants to teachers grades 3-12 to provide educational experiences based on archaeology.
Here are the 2024-2025 OAS School
Education Grant winners:
*Ms. Kym Condron-Lee – Sitton Elementary School 4th graders from Portland, Oregon will visit Columbia Hills State Park in Washington.
*Ms. Susy Dempster – McKinley Elementary School 5th graders from Salem, Oregon will visit the University of Oregon Museum of Natural & Cultural History.
*Ms. Morgan Dill – Butte Creek Elementary School 5th graders from Mt. Angel, Oregon will visit both Ft. Vancouver and Pearson Air Museum.
*Ms. Kim Harrington – West Union Elementary School 4th graders from Hillsboro, Oregon will
visit End of the Oregon Trail.
*Ms. Ashley Reich – Bertha Holt Elementary 4th graders from Eugene, Oregon will visit the
University of Oregon Natural History Museum.
*Mr. Andy Steffan -Charles F. Tigard Elementary School 3rd graders from Tigard, Oregon will visitthe Oregon Historical Society.
Teachers: Start preparing your application for OAS grants.
Give your class a chance to participate in this learning opportunity.
See our complete program application guidelines
and application here:
OAS School Education Grant Application 2024-2025 b
Need suggestions about destinations for your class?
Check out our “Places to Visit” page here>>
Plan a field trip for your class to Fort Vancouver. Space is limited.
Learn about their field trip program here>>
Looking for more suggestions, or state and Federal agencies to contact for help?
See our “Helpful Links” page here>>
Need more information? Contact our School Education Grant coordinator here>>