Scholarships and Grants

Each year the OAS offers funding to deserving individuals for projects in the field of archaeology, anthropology, ethnology or related areas. Funding for this activity comes from the generous donations of OAS members and the public who understand the importance of encouraging greater interest in archaeology.

Currently two funds are available:

The Loring Grant was established to promote excellence in avocational archaeology. Malcolm and Louise Loring spent several decades researching and recording the rock art of the Northwest. The result of their work is PICTOGRAPHS AND PETROGLYPHS OF THE OREGON COUNTRY, an extensive record of rock art.
While non-professionals can provide significant contributions to the field, it is often difficult to find funding for this work. In the spirit of the Loring’s decades of work, this grant will encourage non-professionals to work cooperatively with and under the guidance of professionals to undertake projects that will contribute to the body of knowledge in archaeology and anthropology.

The Roy F. Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund was established for college or university students in archaeology who are engaged in, or preparing to engage in a project or experiment, the results of which will add to the body of knowledge of the archaeological or anthropological sciences of the Pacific Northwest.

Click on the grant/fund name for more information.

Applications are closed for this school year.

For questions or more information, contact our Scholarship Coordinator here>>

Email your completed applications in pdf form here>>

Or send by US Mail to:
Oregon Archaeological Society
P.O. Box 13293
Portland, Oregon 97213

If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to either fund, visit to the OAS Donations page

Looking for the OAS School Education Grant Program?
Click here>>