OAS Field Trips

keysercolhills130411 (26) copyJoin OAS today for the chance to be part of exciting field trips. Visit our membership page to join here>>

Field trips are back for 2025. A limited number of spots will be reserved for online (email) registration. Field trips are reserved for OAS members unless otherwise noted.
Saturday May 17 – Fort Rock Cave Tour from 9am-11am
– $20 per person
– In person sign up before the OAS Meeting on May 6th
– Online sign up at the link below on May 7th at 9am
Join OAS members on a tour of Fort Rock Cave. Fort Rock is the site of archaeological discoveries dating back over 10,000 years. Park Rangers from La Pine State Park will lead the tour and explain the history of the region. The tour includes a 1 mile hike over uneven, dusty terrain.
Online sign up page with additional details: https://grow.withlome.com/a/03297317-4c03-4af6-86cb-dd77ff1e8628
More field trips for OAS members coming soon!
Field Trips are for OAS members only.
During months that OAS meets, sign ups will open the month prior to the field trip in person at the meeting. Online sign ups will open the following day at 9am.
During months OAS does not meet, online sign ups will open the month prior to the field trip on the first of the month at 9am.
For field trips that require payment, payment is due within a week of signing up. 
Any questions, please reach out to Sara Darland at  oasmemberfieldtrips@oregonarchaeological.org.